Sovereign Hill

Last week the year fives went to Sovereign Hill for a school camp. Some things that I learnt at Sovereign Hill were really interesting and here a some of them.

Some things that about the gold rush were if your first language was Irish Gaelic you weren’t really allowed to speak it outside. The only language you were allowed to speak was English. Another thing I didn’t know was that religion meant a lot and some people of one religion wouldn’t like to go near people from another religion.

My favourite part of Sovereign Hill was probably gold panning because when you found gold it was really cool to know that it was actual gold. Another part that I enjoyed were the mine tours that we did because you got to go down actual shafts that were used back in the gold rush.

What do you know about the Ballarat gold rush?

2 thoughts on “Sovereign Hill

  1. Hi jack,
    I liked your blog post. My favourite part about camp was the free time, dressing up and the free lollies. I think next time you should not use colourful text I found it hard to read.

    What was your favourite part about camp?

  2. Hi Jack,
    I thought your post was very detailed and told us of the stuff that you did. I enjoyed the mine tours too.
    Did you find any gold?
    From Flynn

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